Religious Education (RE)
RE Curriculum Lead
At LMPS we follow the Discovery RE scheme of work. This provides an excellent basis for RE lessons to be planned and taught progressively from Reception to Year 6. Discovery RE is an enquiry-based approach to Religious Education and intends to make the subject both relevant and meaningful to the children. There are also opportunities throughout this scheme of work to develop the children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding (SMSC). RE is taught discretely within the timetable and linked across the curriculum where appropriate. The teaching of RE can also be closely linked to Article 14 'Freedom of thought, belief and religion' of The UN Convention of Children's Rights.
Each year group will learn about Christianity and their learning will be built upon each year. They will also experience and learn about different religions including: Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism throughout their Primary School journey. In addition, the children will gain an understanding of important religious festivals and how they are celebrated including: Harvest, Diwali, Easter and Christmas amongst others.
We are keen at LMPS to encourage and maintain links with our local church, St Mary's and the Vicar Reverend S Partridge. This enables us to offer varied experiences for the children to meet and learn from our local Vicar.