Year 4 had a fantastic trip around Poole Harbour with staff from Birds of Poole Harbour. Upon boarding the boat, they were all equipped with a pair of binoculars and Paul, from Birds of Poole Harbour, explained what they might see and why.
The children were encouraged to look at the huge range of habitats and wildlife in and around the harbour. They learned some fascinating facts over the course of the trip - ask your child what they average depth of the harbour is? Or why there is no such thing as a seagull?
Paul explained why so many birds come to the harbour at this time of year and pointed out some of the many varieties that can be seen there. The children saw Cormorants, Herring gulls, Spoonbills, Avocets and even a rarely sighted Eider duck.
Although it wasn't the warmest of days, we were lucky with the weather and it was a really exciting and informative morning.
Many thanks to Birds of Poole Harbour!