Hand Washing!

In the spirit of keeping our hands as clean as possible, Year 6 have come up with some lyrics to a well known tune to try to encourage the children (and adults) to wash their hands for the recommended amount of time.
We know that singing Happy Birthday twice gives us the required 20 seconds, but we thought we would make things a bit more interesting.
The lyrics fit with the tune in the chorus of the song Dance Monkey and should last about 20 seconds. Ask your child to sing it to you! Happy Washing!
Wash for me, wash for me, wash for me
With soap and hot water.
Wash the top, wash the bottom and the fingers in between.
We say wash for me, wash for me, wash for me
With soap and hot water.
Wash the top, wash the bottom and the fingers in between.
We stay clean!
Wash for me, wash for me, wash for me
With soap and hot water.
Wash the top, wash the bottom and the fingers in between.
We say wash for me, wash for me, wash for me
With soap and hot water.
Wash the top, wash the bottom and the fingers in between.
We stay clean!