Cross Country Success!

I’ve loved being part of the cross country team representing the school. Over the past two terms, I have taken part in five different events...
My favourite race was at Canford School even though it was cold, wet and windy. While we were waiting for our race to begin we were being pelted by hailstones. I was nervous but excited and I got a place right at the front. After the whistle, I led the way from the start. I had one girl right behind me and towards the end she managed to get past me but then I saw the finish line wasn’t far away and I zoomed right past her. I came first and got a gold medal.
By Matilda
When I stood at the start line, I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew though, that when the whistle blew the nerves would just help me to run better. Even though, we had terrible weather conditions, I still carried on running. I pushed on through and came 22nd (My best place ever!).
By Naomi
I’ve loved being part of the cross country team representing the school. Over the past two terms, I have taken part in five different events. I’ve enjoyed running in all weathers but I was not so keen on the hail we had at the latest event at CanfordSchool on Tuesday 2ndApril. Despite the hail, I still enjoyed the last event and managed to do the best I could. The course was a big loop which is the sort of course I like because it is not repetitive or hard to remember. I did the best I could (which was pretty good) which for all you younger children is the best way to achieve anything. Today proved that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
By Sebastian
Well done to all the children who took part on Tuesday. They all did brilliantly with some competing for the first time. We were delighted for Matilda winning the Year 5 girl’s race and all the Year 5 girls their second place as a team.
Mrs Markham