Eco Team Ready for Winter!

What a productive term we have had! Year 4 have transformed the courtyard into a colourful and peaceful space for all to enjoy and have kept the weeds at bay and filled the flower beds with bulbs. We can’t wait to see what will grow in the spring.
Our older students have been busy clearing the school fields of fallen apples and bagging them up for the school to take home for their pets to nibble on. Any apples that were too bruised have been added to our compost heap. Next September we plan to use our wonderful apple harvest as a source for freshly pressed apple juice at playtimes and hope that the small fee per drink will source our seed, bulb and plant needs for the following spring and summer.
This half of term has had the Eco team reviewing the work needed to complete our greenhouse. We have started by working hard to clear the accumulated weeds and we have ensured that the paving slabs have been put down evenly to provide a solid and firm floor.
We now have a good collection of bottles (but are always happy to receive more!) which we will start to add to the walls of the greenhouse when we come back in the new year. Our challenge is to have a greenhouse up and in use by February half-term ready for us to begin growing our own seedlings in the spring. (The Eco team are always grateful for any unwanted seeds for fruit, vegetables or flowers).
Year 6 inspired our staff this term with their wonderful idea of creating plastic bricks, where un-recyclable plastic was added to a plastic bottle to create a brick which could be used for construction. Who knows, perhaps we can make enough bricks to add an extension to our Eco Greenhouse!? Keep filling those bottles, teachers!
Mrs Lambert & the Eco Team